The SingTel symbol consists of an ellipse and two squares. The ellipse shows that SingTel is in the global network. It also represents SingTel's increasingly active role in international activities. The squares represent the modern and advanced technology used in the telecommunications business.
The corporate logotype identifies the company by name. The specially designed serif typeface, known as Corporate A Type, is selected because of its contemporary look, and warm and friendly impact, which conveys SingTel's attitude towards its customers.
Corporate Colours
The corporate colours have been specially chosen to convey the uniqueness of SingTel. SingTel Red and SingTel Black represent stability, the foundation of experience, expertise and a commitment to the best possible service which SingTel has built up over the years. SingTel Grey, which has been selected for the secondary graphics of square pattern, complements the colours for the corporate symbol.

The logo represents the wing of the Greek Goddess.The Nike logo is a classic case of a company gradually simplifying its corporate identity as its frame increases. The company's first logo appeared in 1971, when the word "Nike," the Greek goddess of victory, was printed in orange over the outline of a checkmark, the sign of a positive mark. Used as a motif on sports shoes since the 1970s, this checkmark is now so recognizable that the company name itself has became superfluous.

1971 - 1987
"Terry [Heckler] also poured over old marine books until he came up with a logo based on an old sixteenth-century Norse woodcut: a two-tailed mermaid, or siren, encircled by the store’s original name, Starbucks Coffee, Tea, and Spice. That early siren, bare-breasted and Rubenesque, was supposed to be as seductive as coffee itself."
1986 - 1987
"Our logo reflected the emphasis on speed. The Il Giornale name was inscribed in a green circle that surrounded a head of Mercury, the swift messenger god." [pg. 88] (Note: Please excuse the poor condition of the Il Giornale logo. I scanned the image from a many times photocopied memo from Il Giornarle letterhead.)
1987 - 1992
"To symbolize the melding of the two companies [Il Giornarle and Starbucks] and two cultures, Terry [Heckler] came up with a design that merged the two logos. We kept the Starbucks siren with her starred crown, but made her more contemporary. We dropped the tradition-bound brown, and changed the logo’s color to Il Giornarle’s more affirming green."
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