Monday, November 5, 2007

Healthcare Commercials

Among the commercials you have, pick and analyse the spin, choose 2 that you think are the most effective.

1. Define the target audience

2. Describe how the spin was treated such that it becomes effective using models/ideas (eg, colour mood, contrast, sound, video etc)

Spin: A tan that looks like a sun tan

1. The target audience is mainly teens and adults.

2. This commercial potrays young, out-going adults (mostly females), having sun tan in their holidays. But holidays will end one day, thus, because of this, they will have insufficient time for sun-tanning. This is the complication that the ad is trying to potray. Thus, the solution is the product, which is the lotion, that will have the same results as going for suntanning. The colours are very warm and friendly, soothing and pleasant to they eyes to create the relaxing mood, which is important for a product like this. The main model is well-selected and have a beautiful tan skin, to prove that the spin *a tan that looks like a sun tan* is true. Thus, the model plays a large role in assuring the audience of the spin.

Spin: We treat you like we treat our families, Best family healthcare


nutsidea said...

pls re-analyze based on the given materials. rewrite. do not describe the visuals without reference to the concept behind it. thx.

nutsidea said...

where's the analysis for the second commercial?